BG Products: Lubrication & Fuel Deposit Control BG Service
Every engine deserves a fresh start.
BG MOA has a reputation of protecting engines from sludge contamination and wear. Service managers nationwide prefer BG MOA 4 to 1 over any other product.
BG CF5 keeps the entire fuel injection system deposit free at each oil service.
Interesting fact: BG MOA stands for Motor Oil Additive while BG CF5 stands for Carbon Fighter 5th edition.
BG Engine Oil Service
The BG Engine Oil Service covers gasoline engines.
Service interval: Within 7,500 miles/12,000 km of the previous service
Maximum reimbursement: Plan 1: $4,000 US; Plan 2: $2,000 US
Deposits form in the oil and fuel injectors and combustion chambers over time.
Eliminate the build-up of fuel and oil deposits between oil changes by installing: BG MOA®, a premium engine oil additive with deposit inhibitors and BG CF5™ maintains a clean fuel system by eliminating deposit build-up.
After this service you’ll notice:
•Restored engine balance and power
•Optimized compression
•Restored fuel economy
•Longer spark plug life
Eliminate the build-up of fuel and oil deposits between oil changes by installing: BG MOA®, a premium engine oil additive with deposit inhibitors and BG CF5™ maintains a clean fuel system by eliminating deposit build-up.